25 March 2008

when life hands you lemons...

Make your very first batch of lemonade - it was so delicious, Madeline!

23 March 2008

Easter - just with our family

This year we laid low on Easter. Although it is fun to get together with family, we needed the time just to relax together and do nothing but whatever seemed fun in the moment. We began by reading the Easter story to the kids, and Madeline was fascinated by Jesus' death and resurrection. Then we enjoyed the sunshine with the kids...what a blessed day to celebrate the One who sacrificed His life to give us eternal life.

19 March 2008

it's almost easter!

On Wednesday nights while Madeline goes to Awana and Nathan goes to the coffee shop to catch up on reading and grading, the boys and I hang out and have some rough and tumblin' time...or we invite miss teseena and aubrey over and play dress up...ssshh! Nathan's completely in the dark.

17 March 2008

swing, swing

under our great big tree in the backyard

14 March 2008

visiting our family

We went to Aunt Bettie and Uncle Bill's house for the day, where we met our sweet cousin Ian for the first time - what a fun and memorable visit!

13 March 2008

my hero

My Grant could play outside for hours and not realize that any time has gone by at all. While I scramble to get ready in the morning, I can tell he's getting the itch that comes before a complete meltdown. So I ask him, "Do you want to go outside?" He nods and says, "Outside!" He'll play with his dinosaurs and bricks, and will find sticks and rocks to bring into the house. Here he is showing me that he conquered the fort, climbing into it all by himself.

Evan the Great Jumper

Well, sort of...he doesn't really understand that he's the one controlling the jumper. He twirls around and looks at me as if to say, "Help...I'm spinning!"

visit with Gigi Nana

Evan and Gigi Nana

Madeline learns to tell time

Grant sharing some veggie sticks

12 March 2008

my view of Grant

while brushing his teeth on the floor - this is the best way to get his teeth clean with the least amount of squirming...he'll actually get his toothbrush and say "teeth" and go lie down on the floor.

09 March 2008

08 March 2008

Underwood Family Farm

Oma and I had such a blast taking the kids to this wonderful farm for the kids to roam around freely, feed carrots to emus and goats, ride ponies, climb haystacks and the wooden train and travel on the mini train!

07 March 2008

06 March 2008

bath buddies

05 March 2008

LA Zoo Outing

2 infants + 2 preschoolers + 1 toddler = 2 mommies willing to do anything for grown-up time (even take 5 children to the zoo)

heather, you're a great friend to venture out with!

04 March 2008

a day at the arboretum

This is one of my most favorite places to visit with the kids. Sticks and rocks become their favorite toys while peacocks and ducks become their new friends. There is never enough time to spend just exploring.

02 March 2008

our trip to palm springs

happy birthday to pops, uncle gabe and uncle stephen...thanks for a fun weekend!