29 November 2005
Blown Away
Madeline woke up today and decided that she wanted to try potty training again. No, she did not walk up to me and use those exact words, but she very clearly asked if she could wear her "big girl underwear." With only one accident this morning, she has gone all by herself three times - wahoo!! I'll continue to let her take the lead on this, but I'm not quite sure how to handle going about our regular outings...we'll have to just see as each one comes. I remember wondering where all of this came from, and the Lord reminded me that I asked Him to help me in preparing to potty train her again before the baby comes...for me it was a just a passive prayer, but the Lord answered me literally. Two things I learned today: Madeline just proves over and again how much she blossoms when she does things in her own time, and no matter what becomes of all this, the Lord heard and answered even my small prayer.
28 November 2005
Googly-eyed Grandparents
Madeline went to Nana and Poppy's house for the weekend, while Nathan and I traveled up north to Solvang for a sweet getaway. I'm so amazed at how much grandparents just ooh and aah over our little girl. When we first arrived to pick her up, the entire Kirk household told one Maddie story after another, just dying to see our response to all of her cute antics. And all afternoon, they continued to just feed off her energy and desire for more play time, even though they admitted feeling a bit tired out from the weekend. And as we prepared to return home, my dad smiled at me and said, "So is she coming back next weekend?" I think he was only half-kidding.
23 November 2005
I Love My Life
Madeline and I had a fun morning together. She began the day coloring with markers while I made breakfast. Then we headed out for our daily walk together, where she pointed out "Mommy, look at trees! Another tree!" Then we visited Nathan at work and it was so cute because he just beamed when we walked through the door and she said, "Hi, Daddy!" He set up two desk chairs for her to stand on and draw on the chalk board. He proudly drew whatever she wanted and seemed to be lost in another world with her. She soon informed me that she was tired and wanted to "go bed." But we had one more stop - GiGi Nana's house! Madeline just entertained Gigi and Debbie with all her cute phrases and acrobat tricks. Then we came home to take a leisure nap. She rubbed MY back and sang blessed assurance, and then kissed me a hundred times before saying, "Good night, Mommy." And it's barely 1pm...I love days like today.
Blessed Assurance
After staying with my mom and dad for a week, Maddie became accustomed to having her Nana sing "Blessed Assurance" and "Amazing Grace" before bed every night. I've continued this new tradition and she asks me to sing them over and over again before falling asleep. The other night I was singing to her and rubbing her back. She told me she wanted to rub my back and then asked, "Maddie sing to you?" And with that she began singing, "Blessed Assurance Jesus is Mine...Fore-taste Glory Deeviiiine," all the while stroking my back and the side of my face. I think I completely melted right then and there...
22 November 2005
Parenting Book
For the next 30 days, I'm asking the Lord to be my "parenting book" to guide me in all my thoughts, words, actions and reactions with regard to Madeline. I have poured over so many parenting books with advice on how to parent this way or that, and I believe that I've picked up some helpful tips and techniques. But what would happen if I just opened myself to receive direct wisdom, understanding, answers and guidance each day without consulting any other resource? Of course this might seem obvious, especially to other Christian parents. But do we truly rely solely on the Lord for wisdom in raising our children? Being in the midst of everyday situations can easily distract me and drive me to look in all my books for answers. I can only take this new venture day by day, but I'm expecting amazing results.
21 November 2005
18 November 2005
Amazing Memory
What exactly goes through a 2 year old's mind, besides wanting lots of cookies and wanting her "poopies" changed? It would be very interesting to know exactly how and what they process knowing all their minds are exposed to each day. I was amazed to come home last night and talk with my mother-in-law after she had watched Madeline for the evening. Debbie explained that out of the clear blue Madeline told her, "Gigi Ruby is in heaven with Jesus." Gigi Ruby is my grandma who passed away a little over a year ago, and while my mom and I do talk about her to Madeline to keep her memory alive, she would have no reason to talk about it with my mother-in-law...except that the thought had been on her mind. And what even triggered that thought? I am just blown away by the way her little mind functions so brilliantly. Of course more than anything, it touched my heart knowing that she is responding to my attempts to keep my grandma's memory alive.
16 November 2005
Living Tape Recorder
Okay...so I'm trying to get Madeline ready for bed and I'm explaining all that we're going to do (ie., read books, stop jumping on the bed, etc.) and she looks right up at me and asks, "What you talking about?" And from then on, everything we did she asked that same question. I can guess where she got that phrase from, but how is it that she is already so brilliant in her timing and delivery? I love this kid!
Sickness Brings Compassion
Madeline has been sick for 2 1/2 weeks now...absolutely unbelievable. And her symptoms have continued to change over those two weeks. She's finally starting to feel better, but still isn't completely herself yet. The other night I realized how much she has been through - coughing until she vomits, inability to breathe through her nose, exhaustion, fever, sleeplessness, stomach aches, unending sneezing and nose drips (and nose wipes, for that matter) - that is a LOT for a 2 year old to have to endure, especially not having the words to describe all of her symptoms and pain. I was mulling this over and felt an overwhelming sense of compassion toward her and instead of feeling frustrated because we were about to embark upon yet another sleepless night, I wanted to serve her the best way I could. I wanted her to know how much I love her and desire to care for her needs. I didn't want her to feel bad that mommy is so tired and grouchy because of her illness. It really changed my perspective in how I addressed her ongoing symptoms and in turn, it changed her response toward me. Of course I have felt sorry for her prolonged illness, but there were days that I focused too much on how exhausted I was. I was reminded of what a wonderful little girl I have and how I desire for her to know that I love her and want to be there for her even though I'm absolutely worn out. I hope that is the message she has been getting in the last few days. In fact, I'm positive this is the message she's been getting because I have been the recipient of more lovies and kisses from her than I can remember since this illness struck her down.
07 November 2005
Zoo - Toddler Style
Madeline and I strolled downtown right into the pet store (per her request). We stayed in there for a good twenty minutes while she tickled the kittens and giggled at them kissing her fingers. She led me to the parrots and stood watching them as they spoke seemingly important information and when she became bored of them, she moved back toward the kittens. We had so much fun interacting with those animals and it didn't cost us a thing. In fact, Madeline has been there several times before and enjoys the close interaction and the feeling that she is much larger than they are. Support toddler style zoos - visit your local pet shop (and you don't even have to bring a stroller, a diaper bag or lunch money)!
06 November 2005
Sunday Slaps in the Face
Why is it that some Sundays I dread going to church and on other Sundays I'm so glad I went? Today I woke up feeling ready for church. Granted, we have not been to church in 4 weeks (for vacation and illness, so justified in my book) and today I found the sermon was very convicting. Nathan and I even talked about it afterward about how it affected us. Then, there are the OTHER Sundays...the ones where I barely make it out of bed and into the shower with enough time to get ready and I'm grouchy during the entire 3-minute car ride because I find it pointless to even attend church. As I'm writing this now, I remember that it has been a long time since I've desired to be in fellowship at church - why was today very different for me? I think I know the answer (besides the fact that I woke up in a good mood, which is always a bonus): I experienced fellowship with some ladies from my church yesterday and I felt excited to go today because I felt extra connected. We didn't discuss life changing topics or set out to change the world - we just talked about every day life things and it felt good to be in fellowship. I believe that fellowship in turn fosters accountability and a desire to be in more fellowship with other believers, even when I'd rather stay in my jammies and read all day.
05 November 2005
Mommy Play Dates
I volunteered some time today to help raise money for homeless mothers and their children. I took my Princess House display and had everything neatly organized, hoping but not expecting any business. I usually don't make any money at these "boutiques" but it's for a greater cause. One thing I did bring home were some new connections with other women from my church. We have been attending the church for over a year now and still haven't felt too connected even though we enjoy the friendliness of the church as a whole. But I walked away having spent time with sweet, down-to-earth women who are not necessarily in my same stage of life, but who are just enjoyable to be around because they are women with small businesses just like me. I've been wanting more Christian friends, other young moms who I can relate to with my daily situations. I felt blessed and encouraged by this volunteer day, whether or not any money came in, because I had experienced uninterrupted mommy time....much needed, by the way.
04 November 2005
Overwhelming Cuteness!
Madeline just surprises me more and more each day - from what she knows and understands to what she observes and mimicks. The other morning she woke up before 6am. I said to her, "My goodness, Madeline, we are up so early!" With perfect tonation in her voice she responded sarcastically, "Yeah, well..." Nathan and I just looked at each other and laughed out loud, wondering where this little adult came from! The more I thought about it I realized that I use that same phrase all the time, not even noticing that she has picked up on my useless phrases. It's humbling to look at your child and literally right into a mirror.
02 November 2005
I'm in a constant struggle of what I should be doing versus what I want to be doing with my time. I recently finished the book "More Hours in My Day" by Emilie Barnes. She has great ideas and simple plans for getting and staying organized. While reading it, I couldn't put down my highlighter - everything made sense to me and I felt confident in my ability to follow her guidelines. Sometimes I read these parenting books and feel so inadequate. I'm ready to get started on my new organization project, but just as soon as I find her book in my disastrous office!
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