23 November 2005

I Love My Life

Madeline and I had a fun morning together. She began the day coloring with markers while I made breakfast. Then we headed out for our daily walk together, where she pointed out "Mommy, look at trees! Another tree!" Then we visited Nathan at work and it was so cute because he just beamed when we walked through the door and she said, "Hi, Daddy!" He set up two desk chairs for her to stand on and draw on the chalk board. He proudly drew whatever she wanted and seemed to be lost in another world with her. She soon informed me that she was tired and wanted to "go bed." But we had one more stop - GiGi Nana's house! Madeline just entertained Gigi and Debbie with all her cute phrases and acrobat tricks. Then we came home to take a leisure nap. She rubbed MY back and sang blessed assurance, and then kissed me a hundred times before saying, "Good night, Mommy." And it's barely 1pm...I love days like today.