30 June 2008

potty training...

...according to my 2 year old.

Nathan brought down the training potty last week. It's been sitting in our bathroom for a week. Nathan wants to start training him in August, when he's home for a few weeks. Grant just looks at it, laughs at it, stands on it, lifts up the seat, sits down on it with all his clothes on. We also have the little seat that goes on top of the big potty that is cushioned. Grant likes putting that around his neck, and then cries because it gets stuck and he can't figure out how to get it off.

So yesterday before his nap, Grant tells me he has to go potty. So I take off his diaper and sit him down. I'm thinking Wow...he's really ready.

Grant, on the other hand, had a different idea of potty training. He thought it meant I get to sit here and play with my pee-pee and laugh while mommy stares at me, not knowing what to do next. He almost convinced me he still had to go, but I had already fallen for that trick once. The diaper went back on.

I realized that Madeline never did anything that because, well, she's not a boy with a toy.

Daddy's turn.

29 June 2008

night time rituals

Every night, Nathan and I divide and conquer. Nathan takes Grant into his room where they read books before bed, and I take Madeline and read her books while I nurse Evan. It works. Tonight was no exception. Almost every night I long to have a turn with Grant. Mostly because he calls for me and I'm not able to just sit at bedtime. Nap time is our special reading time together, but it still pulls at my heart strings when he calls for me. I know that this is only for a season. He will soon be in a big boy bed, asking me to lay down with him while he falls asleep. Tonight he called me into his room and said Mommy, wuvies which means he wants me to pick him up out of his bed. While I hugged and put him back in the crib, he smiled up at me and said back! That means he wants me to rub his back, but what he does is lie down on his back and waits for me to rub his belly. He smiles and then says Nite Mommy.

seven months already

Seven months of holding you, singing to you, laughing with you, hearing you laugh, smiling together, watching you follow your big brother and sister with your big blue eyes, feeding you, kissing you, hugging you, sharing you with others, celebrating your sweet life. Today you giggled when I whispered silly mommy sounds into your ear. Just looking at you makes me smile. I look forward to each moment with you, even your sick days and nights where you're so mixed up with green boogies and you forget that night time means sleep time, not play time. I just want to eat you all up!

28 June 2008


Early this spring I read from a list of different community classes Madeline could take, asking her which one she wanted to do in the summer. Ballet, tap, gymnastics, spanish language, or spanish dance class with mommy. The description said it was a beginner class, ages 3 and up. She chose the spanish dance class, knowing we could have special time together.

Last week we showed up for our first class, in our matching hawaiian dresses. I didn't care that they were green hawaiian print. My baby girl loves to match and she especially loves dresses. I just thought it would be fun.

The other fun part was when the teacher called all the students to line up and there I was...with seven other preschoolers. Apparently when it says ages 3 and up, it literally means all 3 and 4 year olds without their mothers.

It only gets better.

The teacher said we all had to be in leotards...yep, even this mommy dancer and should have spanish dance skirts and ballet slippers. So guess what I showed up in at class today? That's right - a black leotard with a black skirt (there was no way I was going to run around the room half naked in just a leotard) and black ballet slippers. Apparently I was showing such great behavior that at the end of class we were practicing a marching step and the teacher asked me if I wanted to be the leader. Yes, the 31 year old wants to be the leader.

There I was, marching in my leotard, skirt and ballet slippers, leading the preschoolers around the room. With a big smile.

It was all worth it seeing Madeline's face, knowing she was the happiest girl in that room, knowing her mommy was the half-naked leader.

Only 8 more weeks! OLE!

25 June 2008

sweet baby

Who is this adorable baby boy? This week you proudly sat up by yourself, said "Dadadadada" even though you were looking right at me and even waved bye, bye to Gigi when I picked you up.

24 June 2008


21 June 2008

save the ta-tas!

Woohoo! Teseena and I trained this morning for the breast cancer walk (she's still deciding, but loves to exercise together anyway). We walked 8.5 miles in about 2 hours. (Of course we rewarded ourselves with a starbucks treat - a light frapuccino! Next Saturday we're going to do 10 miles and then get pedicures afterward (a much better reward after burning all those calories). It was so energizing. We left a little after 6am - a beautiful morning walk with a wonderful friend!! And she has this really cool watch that tracks our average speed, our distance and time which works off a satellite. I was feeling so tired last night, not wanting to get up and do this. But what a rewarding experience.

20 June 2008


click here...my intention is to inform, not insult.

check out the library

I took the kids to the library yesterday (on a whim) and found out that they're promoting their summer reading program for infants all the way up! Each child came home with a free book (nice ones), and they receive a prize each week when they report the amount of time they read and what they enjoyed most. What a great way to encourage learning and beat the heat (the library is always well air-conditioned)! Another great thing about libraries is that even if the younger kids aren't quite into books yet, a well stocked library has wonderful puzzles and toys to stimulate their very active brains. Story times are also fun, especially when trying to change things up in your day.

Just thought I'd pass it along...

18 June 2008

love this book!

Nathan and I love Kevin Leman, author of many parenting (and marriage) books. We just picked up this one and it has been refreshing to be reminded that parenting doesn't have to be complicated. I'm almost finished with it and highly recommend it for anyone with children over 3. It's simple, straightforward and encourages "reality discipline." No yelling required.

16 June 2008

soul train

We're walking through Target the other day when my children begin to sing (without any prompting from me, by the way)

Madeline starts: Play that funky music

and Grant jumps in with his deep, growly voice: white boy!

14 June 2008

happy (early) anniversary

our anniversary is june 24...8 years of marriage...we made it through itchy year number seven.

i came home on thursday night to a clean house and these beautiful roses staring back at me - it took my breath away!

on friday afternoon, my wonderful husband surprised me with an hour massage with my favorite masseus...then he told me to dress up and surprised me with a dinner out, followed by a pit stop to cold stone's for my favorite ice cream dessert. we enjoyed a walk downtown for a nice breakfast this morning, followed by a hefty avon training walk (about 4-5 miles) around town and now he's reading on his hammock.

happy anniversary, sweetie! i love you more than you'll ever know in this lifetime.

13 June 2008

the lie that looked like a monster

I'm not sure if this was the best way to handle this situation. I am open to any feedback about my situation.

First I want to reiterate that I believe Madeline is a wonderful 4 (and a half, she reminds me) year old girl. She has wonderful qualities that place her beyond her years. She walks around with a compassionate heart, and a desire to serve others. She is loving and thoughtful. She is my precious daughter, my only daughter. And I adore her.

On Wednesday, she told me a lie. While I knew that she was lying, I wanted her to confess to it. She wouldn't. I asked her, Madeline, this is what I saw you do. Did you do that, yes or no? Now that I'm writing it down, I feel like an idiot because if I saw her do it then of course I knew she did it. But I wanted her to own up. The lying really bothered me. So after I asked her those questions (for an hour - Nathan called me Jack Bauer), she is crying and telling me that she doesn't want to get into trouble; she asks me through her tears Is it lying if I say 'yes' or 'no'? I almost laughed.

I finally said You will not get into trouble. Just tell me the truth now!. She finally admitted her lie and just sobbed in my arms. I held her and then took some time for myself to decide what to do next. I can either be so harsh on her that she will continue to lie or I can try to make this more of a learning experience so that she will understand why it's not okay to lie.

I told her that she wouldn't get into trouble for telling me the truth, so I told her that instead of being in trouble she would just have a consequence (same thing, I know, but she doesn't realize that yet). So her consequence was that since something unkind came out of her mouth, her mouth would not enjoy any treats for 2 days. She accepted that.

Then I told her that she would have to do some homework. Oh, I just love homework, she gushed. Great. Take your drawing book and draw a picture of how you feel when you lie. Now draw a picture of how Jesus feels when you lie. How Mommy and Daddy feel when you lie. What a lie looks like when it comes out of your mouth - does it look like a pretty flower or an ugly monster?

Mom, I'm tired of doing homework. Yes Madeline, but when we lie, we must do our lying homework.

Fast forward to this morning, when her consequence is now over.

Mom, can I have treats again? Yes, Madeline. Tell me what you learned. Lying isn't good.

I don't know how she will proceed in future situations. I explained to her on Wednesday that when she disobeys, she will have a consequence. And then if she lies on top of that, she will be in big trouble.

I don't know what triggered such anger, anxiety and frustration with her lie. I guess I felt disappointed that she fought so hard to hold onto her sin. Something I struggle with every day of my life. It somehow feels more frustrating when I try to save her from her own sin. But she has to learn in her own way and with her own choices. I just PRAY that the Lord will give me wisdom. I don't want to beat her over the head when she makes a mistake. Yet I don't want to let her off the hook too easily.

Sin is not a joke. I take my job very seriously.

12 June 2008

good times

Good times - those days when you have more fun than you thought could be possible; the moments you want to cherish in your heart forever.

Today we went to spend the day with Heather, Zeke and baby Zane. We had a blast. Five children and only two adults. The kids haven't realized that they are able to overtake us if they want to. We swam in the pool, the kids napped (for 2 hours - wow!), we had some wonderful mommy/friend time visiting and catching up, and had more pool time followed by pizza, putting on jammies and driving home.

This was the first time that Madeline and Grant swam with me so freely, without fear. Madeline even went into the deep end with her pink floaties carrying her along. Grant was asking me to let go of him so he could kick his feet and swim by himself with his little life vest on. And Zeke was so proud to do his "Cowabonga" jump and splashes! Evan wanted to be right in the pool with us, splashing and watching the action.

What a wonderful day. Crazy moments and all.

10 June 2008

playing catch up

So much has happened...I can't believe it's been two weeks since my last post.

Madeline & Grant helped Nathan replace, sandpaper and prime part of our fence....I can already hear Papa asking, "Aren't there child labor laws?"

We celebrated Evan's 1/2 birthday with enchiladas and chocolate cake (Poor Evan could only smell the yummy food...)!!

And one of my favorite memories this week was when I got dressed up to have a dinner date with Nathan and some friends, and when Madeline saw me coming she said, "MOM! You look dashing!!" That was one of the nicest things I've ever heard.

More to come....I'm still training for the breast cancer walk - thank you to ALL of my donors - I'm overwhelmed by your generosity!

09 June 2008

baby evan photo shoot

My sweet friend Teseena LOVES taking pictures...of her babies' bodies. She has been inviting me to come over and let her take pictures of Evan's sweet little rolls! I had so much fun watching her get down to take the pictures at his level and capturing his sweetness.

Thanks for loving my baby so much - and for being such a wonderful friend and support!

Click here to see her cute work!