01 February 2006

Menopausal, Schizophrenic Toddler

My mother-in-law has shared with me before about a study done a few years ago, where they compared brain patterns of menopausal women, schizophrenics and toddlers. The results? All three had similar brain patterns...surprising? Not really. It explains a lot of the toddler drama in my house lately.


  1. I can think of a few folks who should be told about this. I'm not sure whether it would help or hurt, but at least it would increase understanding.

  2. I wish I could find the actual study to read for myself and post here on the web. It does help explain some behaviors, but the ones that are harder to explain I just laugh and say to myself, "She's just a menopausal, schizophrenic toddler...She's just a menopausal, schizophrenic toddler."
