05 February 2006

Thank you, Nana!

Last week I called my mom crying, "Why does Maddie have to throw tantrums?" Her answer was, "Because she's two." What I appreciated most about our conversation was that my mom was proud of the way I handled the tantrums, as I described every gory detail. She said that the tantrums were not a reflection of my parenting, nor should I view them as who won/lost the battle. That statement alone helped me to realize that my job isn't to "win" these tantrum battles, but to be consistent in setting and following through with the boundaries and expectations Nathan and I have established (and continue to establish through trial and error).

But more than that, my mom was willing to drop everything and come to pick up Madeline for a few days. Not because Maddie's a horrible child, but because my mom knows when her own "baby" needs a little help.

She did pick her up the next day, and this little break has been helpful more than she will ever know. I miss Maddie very much and can't wait to see her tomorrow when she returns home from a very fun and memorable weekend with her grandparents and uncles. Thank you for loving Madeline so much to just sweep her away for a few days.

Mom, you really came through in more ways than one and I can't tell you how much it means to hear again that you think I'm a good mom.

1 comment:

  1. Christian,

    Thank you so much for your "public" edification. You ARE an awesome Mom. I sometimes wonder how you became so wise in the parenting department because I wasn't a nurturing Mom in your early years. But you had Grandma and she taught you about Jesus and between the both of them and my eventual healing you learned what you would do and not do.

    I am so blessed to see how you do things and thankful that my immaturity as a young Mom didn't ruin you.

    Thank you for sharing Maddie with us. We have a blast with her and then we talk like her for a week after she leaves. We can't wait for our next visit with her!!

