27 November 2006

Christmas delight!

Daddy pulled all the boxes of Christmas decorations down from the garage the other night, as we traditionally do every Thanksgiving weekend. You put on your red shirt, red furry vest, jeans and red Santa hat and went outside to help him put up the lights. You were so excited, knowing that after the lights went up, we would be off to pick out a tree. You could hardly contain yourself as we pulled up to the tree lot and when we picked out a few trees we liked, you said, "I don't like that tree. I want a white tree!" Flocked, of course, but not something we're quite ready to do yet with two small children. Daddy and Pops brought the tree inside and it was now time to decorate - what you had been waiting for all afternoon! You searched through box after box after box and were so thrilled at what you kept finding - Christmas bears and other stuffed animals, a manger scene, tree decorations - oh what fun! You waited for Daddy to put the lights on the tree and you stood there, anxiously ready to put up the first garland decorations. Then you carefully put up many tree ornaments, all clustered together at the bottom of the tree, exactly at your height level. Then Daddy said, "Let's make hot chocolate!" And you almost couldn't even wait for it to cool off before drinking it. We finished decorating the tree and the house, 3 hours later, and you didn't want it to end. But finally you conceded, "I'm tired. I want to go to bed, mom."

This was the first time you have ever taken such an interest in Christmas and all that it means for our family. I'm anxious to see what will come during the next month. We don't want to make it about the gifts. In fact, we've decided to tell you the story behind Santa Claus and how he brought gifts to the children, children who are in need. We are looking to downsize and only give you and Grant a few gifts. Mainly because you don't need them and we'd like to make it all the more about Jesus and even less about getting things. You and I already decided together to make Jesus a birthday cake, as a reminder of His birth and entry into this world. You've really been asking more about Jesus and visiting His home someday. My prayer is that your heart will follow Him and walk with Him all your days here on earth. My other prayer is that my humanness and faults will draw you closer to Him and not the other way around...I just love you too much.

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