20 October 2008


Madeline rarely gets in trouble. I can see in her little eyes, devastation, when she is caught in wrongdoing and suffers a consequence. Tonight she did something to Grant (can't remember what at the moment) and was corrected for her behavior. I held her close and whispered in her ear, Why do I correct you? I reminded her that I do it because I love her and want to teach her. I explained that while she makes great choices most of the time, there are times when she forgets and it's my job to remind her.

Then out of the blue she blurted out, Does everybody sin? Why do we sin? Why did Adam and Eve have to sin? Blown away doesn't even begin to describe how her words affected me. Her little heart was frustrated with her poor choice, enough to recognize that while we want to do things right, we sometimes fail. And when we fail, our right response is to repent and make changes.

Five years old and beginning to see the difficult cycle we all struggle through on this earth.

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