31 August 2005

Potty Training - Not so Yippee...

I guess it's true that pride comes before the fall. Madeline has decided that she's not so sure that she wants to go wee-wee on the potty. She even had a small accident in her new big-girl underwear and just kept playing without any fuss. That girl knows how to call my bluff. All that I've read about the topic has indicated that potty training is right when the child has decided it's right for herself. So that's how we're going to approach it. It would be so nice if Madeline would just point to her big girl underwear and say, "Mommy, I want to be potty trained now...no more diapers for this big girl." But then, if she could articulate that well, she'd probably be saying other things I wouldn't be quite ready to hear. I just love her approach to the situation...she has actually turned the tables on me. I keep explaining that when she feels like potty is going to come out to tell me so that we can sit on the big-girl potty. So last night after several attempts to get her to fall asleep she says, "Mommy! Potty!" So I dash into her room, pull her off the bed and run into the bathroom, frantically take off her pull-up and plop her on the potty - "Whew!" I thought, "We just made it." So we sat and sat and sat and finally I asked her, "Do you have to go wee-wee?" She looked at me with bright eyes, smiled and said, "No wee-wee." I felt like a big fat lollipop at that moment, but I didn't want to discourage her from initiating going on the potty in the future. So I continue to learn that although I think I have some of these parenting ventures all figured out - I really don't and only time along with a little experience will help us along. But Madeline sure has me all figured out!

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