26 September 2005


Do other mothers have meltdowns in front of their children? Some days it just seems that everything happens perfectly - I wake up rested, my daughter obeys (the first time), I accomplish everything on my list, I make a great dinner for my husband, and I have time in the evening for myself. Then there are the other days...days like today. I woke up tired and tirelessly rushed to get myself and Madeline ready to leave for a toddler class (which is supposed to be fun, but sometimes it's so stressful just getting there), she had a tantrum at the toddler play class, then another tantrum at the great-grandparents' house, and then a nap. The nap was great, but was followed by other screams as I had to clean her messy diaper that gave her a horrible rash. As I tried to calm her she only became more upset. So I walked into the other room, and had my own meltdown. The look on her face analyzed me as if to say, "What's wrong with you?"

Why do we have days like these? And do our meltdowns make our children look at us and confirm their beliefs that we do belong in the crazy house?

1 comment:

  1. In answer to your question, (do other mothers have meltdowns in front of their children?) YES!! This doesn't happen around toddlers only, it's with your child(ren) of any age. No matter how old they have that same questioning look of "What's wrong with you?"

    I believe it is good for them to see us this way (sometimes) because it shows that we are not perfect and that life is crazy and hectic and sometimes we just lose it! In addition, they learn that they need to be a little compassionate towards us on our bad days. And I know that even your adorable two-year old shows you compassion when she tells you "It's okay, Mommy."

    They also learn to express their feelings not suppress, which will be very important for them as adults. Our job is to teach them (in word and deed) how do do this according to God's word.

    So have some grace for yourself. Learn from your experience and ask yourself what you might be able to do different the next time. And by the way, there will be a next time!

    With Much Love,

    Your Mother :>
