17 November 2006


Tonight we did the Christmas stroll in our little town and this was the first time ever that you wanted to meet Santa Claus. In years past, you were perfectly content to walk by and give him a friendly wave and that was that. But tonight you sat on his lap and just chatted with him for a bit. You also watched some young performers sing Christmas songs and dance, and you were enthralled with every move they made. You're really starting to take in all the sights and sounds of the upcoming season.

Once we got you home and ready for bed, I told you the real reason that we celebrate Christmas, and how Mary and Joseph went to the inn and had baby Jesus. Your eyes were as big as silver dollars and you took in every word. Then, you asked me if Santa Claus was a real man and whether Jesus was a real man or woman. I told you that Santa Claus visits during Christmas time and brings presents to children but that the real reason we have Christmas is because it's Jesus' birthday and it's time for us to celebrate with a big party! We talked about all that Jesus has done in creating you, me, daddy, Grant as well as the moon, sun and stars. I explained that one day Jesus is going to come down from heaven and take us to His home. You asked me if it is dark there or if there are wolves. (You're terribly frightened of wolves right now...and the dark). You asked if there is an ocean there. You told me that when you see Jesus you're going to ask Him to tickle your tummy and that when He does, you will giggle and say "hee-hee" (your words exactly).

It was fun watching you meet Santa tonight. But it was such a different feeling telling you about Jesus. I don't want to deprive you of enjoying the fun of Christmas with Santa Claus. But I felt satisfied and pleased that your response to Jesus and his return to earth was much more excited and filled with anticipation than I could have imagined.

Telling you the story of His birth, the details that I've heard hundreds of times over the years was like hearing the story for the very first time.

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