13 October 2007

remembering Grandma Ruby

It's hard to believe that she died three years ago. How is that possible? I've realized since she passed that I don't grieve in the same way that I watch others around me. My grief process is very quiet and private, hardly emotional at all. I think and think and think about her, watching and reliving certain situations play out in my mind. My heart misses her, but my mind allows her to live on in other ways. I wish that she could see both of you now. She never even knew you, Grant, but would just adore you. And I can see her in my mind's eye, laughing at the many one-liners you blurt out, Madeline. She used to cover her mouth, close her eyes and her entire body would shake with laughter. That's the Grandma Ruby I remember. That's the one I want to remember.

This is the weekend we took as a family to honor her memory, first on her birthday
October 11th and then on her passing October 13th.

Madeline likes pointing to my shirt and slowly saying, "SAVE THE TA-TAS...Mom, what are Ta-tas?" (we've already gone over this before, Maddie!)

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