A year ago today, I had the best delivery of my life. I finally decided to get the epidural and realized that it was perfect for me in bringing you into the world. We were so exhausted from the sickness that invaded our family just a few days before you arrived, and being able to nap and rest before you entered the world was just wonderful. I loved you from the moment I knew you existed. I loved you even more when I saw your sweet face and examined each little part of your body. The timing of your arrival couldn't have been more perfect.
You have been a snuggler from the beginning, always wanting to be held close. You still want me to hold and rock you until you fall asleep at night. In fact, you'll change your head positions from my one shoulder to the other, just to sneak a peek at me to make sure that I'm still there.
Having you has added such joy to our lives. You have such a love for life, such an enthusiasm for going out and exploring the world around you. We sometimes frustrate you because we don't keep up with your desire to move on to new things quickly! You are constantly keeping up with your big brother and big sister, never allowing your younger age or your crawling speed to keep you far behind them. You are always watching, always following their lead, always proving that you don't need special treatment - you're definitely able to hold your own.
You make me smile when you throw balls (or anything else you can get your hands on, like joe's o's and other food), clap your hands and saying "Yaaayyy!", dance when you hear any kind of music, play pillow fight with Daddy and your siblings, fall down on me when I say "body-slam!", kiss me with your sweet little mouth open, wave hello and good-bye, twist your body in unusual positions when I have to change your diaper, sit proudly in your booster seat at the table (no more high chair for you, big one-year-old!)...
We do have to keep an eye on you since you enjoy crawling up to Grant and purposefully antagonizing him. Guessing it must be a boy-thing. He does everything he can to hold back his anger, but sometimes he just hits, smacks, punches or body slams you. Crying as loud as you can is the way you try to get some sympathy, but it doesn't really work anymore, now that we know your game. :)
You want to be part of every single activity that goes on in our life. Our lives would not be the same without you. Thank you for the way you warm my heart every single day with that sweet smile (even when you wake up singing at 5:30am...aaaaahhh!).
Happy Birthday, my sweet baby boy!
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