21 June 2008

save the ta-tas!

Woohoo! Teseena and I trained this morning for the breast cancer walk (she's still deciding, but loves to exercise together anyway). We walked 8.5 miles in about 2 hours. (Of course we rewarded ourselves with a starbucks treat - a light frapuccino! Next Saturday we're going to do 10 miles and then get pedicures afterward (a much better reward after burning all those calories). It was so energizing. We left a little after 6am - a beautiful morning walk with a wonderful friend!! And she has this really cool watch that tracks our average speed, our distance and time which works off a satellite. I was feeling so tired last night, not wanting to get up and do this. But what a rewarding experience.


  1. Thanks for the amazing walk and fellowship this morning! Shocked by how fast 8 1/2 miles flies when you are in good company ;) Love you friend and you are priceless!
