11 September 2008

it's time to...

Hard to believe that it's already the day before check in.
The money is all in - woohoo!
We'll pack our bags and head down to Long Beach tomorrow afternoon.

I'm feeling excited, and something else is rising up within me as well...tears.
Tears for my grandma and the loss of her presence in my life, tears for the hits my family has taken this year, tears for the struggles we continue to fight through, tears for the victories already won as well as those victories in sight (even small glimpses), and tears of joy and gratefulness.

All I keep hearing is that this is something I'll never forget, an experience that will make such an impression that I'll never be the same.

Thank you, Teseena, wonderful friend, for walking with me week after week before the sun came up, with a smile on your face, ready to talk for at least 3 hours straight (even in spite of mountain lion reports!). I will cherish our walks/talks more than you know. I'm already grateful for having signed up for this event because I have found a lifetime friend in you. I love you and thank God for you.

Thank you, Shelley, for walking with me in places I've been afraid to walk. Thank you for encouraging me, cheering me on, believing in me, and preparing me in countless ways for the life walk I've been on and will continue on in the years to come. Our time together has clearly been by divine appointment. You bless me beyond words.

Thank you to every single donor! Without you, I would not have reached my financial goal and with your help, together we raised $1825!! Thank you for choosing to donate to this cause, so close to my heart and life experience. I couldn't have made it without you!

Thank you to family and friends alike who continued to ask how things were going and continued to offer words of encouragement and support, and even prayers on my behalf.

And most importantly, I want to thank Nathan. My cheering squad, boot camp leader, accountability, encourager, babysitter, best friend and soul mate. Thank you for encouraging me to take this opportunity and to experience it to the fullest extent, hardships and all. Thank you for believing I could actually do this.

When I cross that finish line, your face is the first one I'll be looking for.

I love you.

Now with all that said, I'm ready to go and FIGHT LIKE A GIRL!!


  1. Oh Christian, thank you for your sweet words....I will be with you in spirit tomorrow, and calling to check in on you through out the day too. I totally cherrish our Satuday walks too, they were such a blessing and I will always cherrish them and we can still do our walks on Saturday (maybe not as early :) Go get em' girl! I know you will finish strong and I pray that the time will be sacred as you walk in memory of your grandma and all that she meant to you, let the feelings surface and be proud of your tears, they tell a story. Love you sweet friend!

  2. best wishes!!!!!!!! we are thinking of you as you conquered a big goal of yours!!!

