24 July 2008

it's potty time...round 2!

Yes, we've begun the trek to train Grant how to go potty...doesn't that sound funny? How to go potty...like he doesn't already know that. Every time I smell something foul I ask him if he did a poopy...No poopy...poopy toot! Thanks for trying to pull a fast one son, but the fact of the matter is that my senses have betrayed you.

The thing that kept running through my mind as I sat on the floor trying to convince Grant to stay put on the pot was that potty training is actually not done for the child at all. It's the parent being trained to look for the signs that force them to drop everything, pick up a buck naked child and run half way through the house to make it to the bathroom to just sit there for another 20 minutes. Yes, that was the scenario at my house yesterday.

I decided to put Grant on the port-a-pot in front of the television to watch a short video about going potty. I was teaching piano in one room while Nathan was just outside in the yard watering when Grant went potty on the pot for the first time. And the only one who shared in his glorious moment was his big sister. I walked out of the piano lesson for a minute to grab something and I looked up to find Madeline standing, just waiting to burst. Guess what Grant did, Mom? HE WENT POTTY!!!! She could hardly contain herself, it was so adorably cute!

Today he sat down several times but nothing came out. Maddie offered him some valuable advice I told him that if he pinches his penis it will come out. He took the advice but to no avail. He just appreciated her willingness to help because to him, she must know what she's talking about since she's the big sister.

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