06 May 2008

stopped in my tracks

This morning I was rushing around before Heather and the boys arrived. I had kept my calm pretty well, up until about 20 minutes before they arrived. Grant was crying because he wanted to go outside and play with his cars and trucks. But he had a stinky bottom that needed cleaning not to mention a change into warmer clothes from his jammies. He was completely melting down and I could feel myself start to lose it. I picked him up and carried him to his bedroom and let him finish his meltdown in his bed. I was sighing and walking from one end of the house to the other, trying to keep my cool. I heard little princess shoes following quickly behind me. I looked up and saw her big green eyes staring at me.

Mommy, your kids are not bad. Why are you mad at us?, she said very quietly.

She's four years old. And I'm 31. Sometimes her wisdom pulls the rug right from under my feet.

Even though I tried to give her my long winded explanation, I knew that I hurt her feelings by the way I acted.

I still owe her an apology.

Even though I didn't lose my temper verbally, my body language spoke volumes of unkindness.

I'm thankful that the Lord brought this back to mind...He's giving me another chance for reconciliation. I struggle with pride, and I pray that He will continually show me where I've been hurtful to my children.


  1. This brought tears to my eyes. I can relate in so many ways.

  2. It's nice to be able to relate with other moms. I enjoyed visiting your blog - how wonderful to have your three beautiful children! I remember meeting you at Heather's bridal shower. :)
