24 October 2008

happy 1/2 birthday, grant!

Just before taking this picture, you handed me a beautiful purple flower...on your 1/2 birthday! Yes, you are officially 2 and a half and it's hard to believe that at the beginning of this year you were still a one year old - unbelievable how time flies!

Some things that you love doing right now include copying everything your sister says. In fact, you went to a birthday party today and Madeline described how a certain boy made her cry and you repeated i cry! even though you hadn't shed a tear over some little boy being mean to you!

You are bound and determined NOT to have Evan invade even an INCH of your space, and so just to be safe, you make sure and watch him while he's crawling toward you and just to make sure he knows who's in charge, you smack him right in the face, before he even gets within a foot of your space! Yes, you spend much time in the corner, in your bed and in the "thinking chair" and I'm still trying to figure out how to help you learn the same lessons in a fraction of the time!

You have become very proud of your new "chucks", your little black converse that you insist on wearing everywhere.

Some of the things that you get frustrated with is when you try to use your words to describe something that is important to you and we don't understand you the first time. But you have also begun to realize that we want to help you, that we desire to understand your words and that we want to continue being invited into your world.

You are constantly walking behind me around the house saying, Wait me! And I have to sometimes stop and remember that you are only 1 year and a half ahead of your baby brother. You are still learning how to be a big boy...you still ask for luvies and to be held. Yet you are showing more independence these days, especially recently when you climbed up the stairs on the park playground and went down the slides (all by yourself) over and over and over again. You say, Ready. Set. Go! and then you run over to me and give me hi-fives!

You also just learned how to climb into the trampoline all by yourself just a few days ago - and you just beamed as your big sister cheered you on and congratulated your wonderful accomplishment!

You still love being outside the most. Just the other day while sister was at preschool, I gave you some scissors and encouraged you to cut some flowers for your sister. You cut some lovely green stems and so I added to your creation with some beautiful roses. Outside is where your little soul is nourished and comes alive!

I've also loved watching you walk around the house with books in your hands, looking for me to read to you. You always carry one of your other best friends with you everywhere you go, such as a dinosaur, a rubber snake, some cars, dinosaur eggs, dinosaurs and your other plastic animal friends.

You are a true boy at heart. And I absolutely love your heart. You have a strong mind, and a quiet presence. You are always thinking and sometimes you get frustrated when you try to get in a word and are unable to keep up. But you make your point and we notice that you sometimes need a little extra love and care, especially being in the middle. When you ask me to sit on the blue chair in your room at night, to rub your back and sing you the "Signing Time" song, I know that you are just needing a little extra TLC. Thanks for asking. Please don't ever stop. You are a treasure in my heart; I long to be close to you too.

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